
Looking for fun?

You'll find our family friendly, school holiday activities, deals and combos hard to beat!



At Arena, we believe school holiday activities should be family friendly and affordable.

A massive thank you to everyone who came through our doors for the Term One School Holidays – we had a blast and hope you did too!

As the school holidays have drawn to a close so too have our School Holiday Deals but never fear, we believe in affordable entertainment so make sure you follow us on Instagram and Facebook for our latest activities and promo deals or sign up for our newsletter below and get the latest offers delivered right to your Inbox! 

And lets not forget, CONGRATULATIONS goes out to genesis.merekatarina who won our EPIC Term One school holiday giveaway consisting of x1 WONDERBOOM, $100 arcade card x4 passes to inflatable world x4 people bowling 1 hour golf simulator x4 Kids combo + slushy WOW!


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If you would like to be kept up to date with the latest news, events, special offers and competitions please signup for our newsletter.

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